Two tips for puppy owners who have enlisted their pets in puppy training programs

Here are two tips for puppy owners who have enlisted their pets in one of their vet's puppy training programs.

They should practise basic commands with their puppy before the program begins

Most puppy training programs will teach all of the basic obedience commands, as well as more complex socialisation and behavioural management techniques. However, it's still sensible for those who've signed up for these programs to practise basic commands with their puppies prior to their first class. For example, pet owners in this situation should aim to teach their puppy to recognise its name when they call it and, if possible, how to sit on command. Whilst this isn't essential, it will make the first few classes less stressful for the owner and the puppy.

If the puppy doesn't recognise its own name, it might get confused and distracted when the other pet owners start calling out their own puppies' names. This could result in the puppy wandering away from its owner more often than it would if it knew the sound of its name. Similarly, if a puppy is taught by its owner to sit on command before it is taken to these training sessions at the vet clinic, the puppy will already have an idea of what it means to stop what they're doing, calm down and obey its owner's simple instructions. This could get the puppy off to a good start at these classes, as they'll have an easier time understanding what it is their owner and the program teacher is trying to get them to do. Regular practice of this simple command before the program starts will also improve the puppy's impulse control, which could reduce how often they misbehave during their training sessions.

The puppy owners should try to be active participants in the training program

The puppy training programs run by vet clinics are not designed solely to train puppies. They also help the puppies' owners to learn how to manage the behaviour of their young pets. As such, it's important for those who've enlisted their puppies in these programs to try to be active participants. For example, rather than just listening passively to the teacher's advice, each pet owner should also engage directly with the teacher, and discuss the specific challenges they have faced with their pet.

Additionally, they should not simply let the teacher give their puppy commands but should practise taking on this role themselves so that, for example, they learn what tone of voice and body language they need to use to get their puppy to behave. Additionally, they should try to take notes and practise the training techniques demonstrated during the program in between each of the training sessions. This level of consistency and commitment is likely to result in their puppy learning far more than if the pet owner took a more passive approach to the program. 

For more info about puppy training programs, contact a local company. 
