3 Signs You Dog Needs To Be Desexed

If you've decided to forego desexing, you might want to rethink that decision. You might not realise this, but desexing your dog is actually beneficial to them. In fact, without desexing, your dog could be at risk for a variety of problems. However, some of those problems could affect you as well. If you're not sure that your dog needs to be desexed, read the list provided below. Here are three sure signs that your dog should be desexed.

They're a Danger to Themselves

If your dog hasn't been desexed, there's a good chance that they could become a danger to themselves. This is especially true if your dog tries to run away in search of a mate. Once your dog runs away, there's an increased risk that they could be injured in dog fights or car accidents. There's also a chance that they could get picked up by animal control, which could put them at risk for euthanasia, especially if they're not wearing an identification tag. To protect your dog, you should have them desexed as soon as possible. 

They're a Nuisance to Others

If you haven't had your dog desexed yet, it's time to think about the neighbours. You might not realise this, but your dog could become a nuisance to the neighbourhood while they're searching for a mate. Some dogs become very vocal when they're trying to mate. In fact, they may bark, whine, or howl uncontrollably. Or, dogs may try to mate with the neighbourhood dogs. One way to stop your dog from becoming a neighbourhood nuisance is to have them desexed before the problem escalates. 

They're a Liability for You

If your dog becomes aggressive while they're in heat or while they're looking for a mate, now's the time to have them desexed. You might not know this, but that aggressive behaviour could put you at risk for legal problems. This is especially true if your dog gets loose and either attacks another dog or bites a human being in their attempt to mate. Having your dog desexed is the best way to prevent liability and to protect others from aggressive behaviour.

Don't take chances where your dog is concerned. If you haven't had your dog desexed yet, take a close look at the issues described above. If you're dealing with any of these issues, contact a vet near you. It's time to have your dog desexed.

To learn more about pet desexing, contact a vet in your area.
