When It's Time to Take Your Pet to a Veterinary Clinic

Your dog or cat should be getting regular checkups from the vet, according to the schedule he or she recommends. In some cases you may need to take your pet in to an emergency treatment center, such as if it has suffered a severe injury or is vomiting without letup. However, there are other times when you should take your pet into a clinic like Baw Baw Paws Vet Clinic, not necessarily as an emergency, but as soon as you can schedule an appointment. Note when this might be true for your pet.

1. When they seem to avoid a limb

If your dog or cat seems to avoid putting weight on a limb but is not in obvious pain or distress, they may be developing arthritis or another condition that is simply affecting their joints. Check the underside of their paw to ensure that they don't have a sliver or injury to the pad, but if there is no obvious sign of an immediate problem, schedule an appointment for an x-ray or other check when you can. Your pet may need medication or to simply avoid that limb as much as possible.

2. When they are lethargic

If a dog or cat doesn't get up and is panting heavily, they may have suffered heatstroke or in the case of a female, may actually be in labor! However, if your pet is simply lethargic and doesn't have the energy he or she once did, they may be carrying too much body weight, may have a nutritional deficiency, or may simply be getting older, in which case you will need to adjust your expectations of their energy levels. If your pet is lethargic in that it doesn't respond to you, a vet may want to check its hearing. In some cases, your dog or cat simply can't hear you when you call, or can no longer hear the hum of the can opener in the kitchen.

3. When they start rejecting their food

If you serve your pet a very cheap brand of food, they may not like the taste or it may upset their digestive system and so they get picky and finicky. You might try a different brand and note if that fixes the problem. However, if your pet continues to reject their dish and shows no interest in eating, this can mean they have an ongoing digestive issue or other health condition that should be checked by the vet. Your vet will want to discuss what you're feeding your pet, as it may also mean that they have become spoiled by table scraps or treats and are simply rejecting their standard food.
